Kyverno: The Swiss Army Knife of Kubernetes

With all software there is an inflection point where its domain ends and yours beings. Software such as Kubernetes provides an awesome cloud-native platform which gives you common tools to solve common problems, but like all it has its limits. When your needs extend outside those limits, it's time to start hunting for another solution. With Kubernetes, it's basically a foregone conclusion that you will be involving other solutions. The end result can (and often will) result in a toolbox full of purpose-built tools for those corner cases. But that's problematic in a number of ways. Things get complicated. You don't have a uniform way of accomplishing your tasks since each is with a separate tool, and in turn this means your technical debt grows. Since I've been working with Kyverno, a Kubernetes-native policy engine, I've seen LOTS of this firsthand in users' environments. And although I wrote a series on this tool last month covering each of its three main pieces of functionality, I didn't really cover how Kyverno can be a replacement for those bespoke tools. In this article, I'm going to lay out some common and real-life Kubernetes use cases seen in the wild which would otherwise necessitate a separate, specialized tool but instead can all be replaced by Kyverno, the Swiss Army knife of Kubernetes. I'm anxious to share these with you, so let's get started.

If you're reading this and don't have any idea what Kyverno is, I'd highly recommend at least checking out the intro article in my Exploring Kyverno series for some background. Kyverno, a CNCF sandbox project, just celebrated its first release since joining the CNCF, and v1.3.0 is a major one at that containing over 90 fixes and enhancements.

Resource Annotater

Metadata is king no matter what the platform. And within Kubernetes, this metadata is a hugely important source of not only useful information to humans but directives to processes for what and how they should function. And the biggest driver of those directives is the construct known as annotations. Countless tools use annotations as their marching orders, from Helm to Vault to Ingress controllers. Being able to set this metadata in a standard and programmatic way is not only hugely helpful but also necessary in many cases. Kyverno has the ability to easily do so using mutation rules. It's fairly common to see use cases where, among other resources, Pods need to be annotated for a specific reason. Before tools like Kyverno, this was often implemented as a purpose-built annotation utility. Kyverno can replace those utilities through some pretty nifty functionality on top of just simple annotations.

In this scenario, let's say you had a mapping of metadata that needed to be applied. If a Pod comes in with a label of app=nginx you need to apply an annotation called foo with the value of stack. But if the value of that app label was mongo instead, that annotation value should be something different. You essentially need a lookup table to map value X onto value Y, and that's a tricky thing to solve. With Kyverno, not only can those bespoke annotation tools be replaced, but you can actually use native Kubernetes constructs like a ConfigMap to define that reference table and dynamically apply the corresponding value.

Visual flowchart for how advanced annotation can work with Kyverno. By storing the keys and values in a standard ConfigMap and having Kyverno reference them, you effectively have a powerful value substitution engine that's widely applicable.

In order to implement this, we first need a ConfigMap that acts as our reference table. This is just your standard ConfigMap where each key has a corresponding value, forming the mapping between label and annotation.

TIP: You can expand each code block by clicking the dots at the bottom left, or using a nifty "expand" button in the floating tool panel in the upper right.

1apiVersion: v1
2kind: ConfigMap
4  name: resource-annotater-reference
5  namespace: default
7  apache: conf
8  nginx: stack
9  mongo: press

We now need a policy that contains the mutation logic. Below, I've written such a policy which does a couple things. First, it uses a concept called a context in Kyverno terms to provide a reference to an existing ConfigMap. Second, it uses JMESPath expressions (pronounced "James path"), one nested inside the other, in order to perform the reference and insertion of the value of annotation called foo.

 2kind: ClusterPolicy
 4  name: resource-annotater
 6  background: false
 7  rules:
 8  - name: add-resource-annotations
 9    context:
10    - name: LabelsCM
11      configMap:
12        name: resource-annotater-reference
13        namespace: default
14    preconditions:
15    - key: "{{}}"
16      operator: NotEquals
17      value: ""
18    - key: "{{request.operation}}"
19      operator: Equals
20      value: "CREATE"
21    match:
22      resources:
23        kinds:
24        - Pod
25    mutate:
26      overlay:
27        metadata:
28          annotations:
29            foo: "{{{{ }}}}"

Finally, let's test with a simple Pod definition like the following one. In this definition, the input is the label named app with a value of nginx.

 1apiVersion: v1
 2kind: Pod
 4  labels:
 5    app: nginx
 6  name: mypod
 8  automountServiceAccountToken: false
 9  containers:
10  - name: busybox
11    image: busybox:1.28
12    args:
13    - "sleep"
14    - "9999"

After creating these three resources, check the annotations on your Pod and see that Kyverno wrote in the corresponding value found in the ConfigMap based upon the incoming value of the label app.

1$ kubectl get po mypod -o jsonpath='{.metadata.annotations}' | jq
3  "foo": "stack",
4  "": " removed /metadata/creationTimestamp\n"

Awesome, there we go. Think how powerful this can be. Also, because Kyverno reads a ConfigMap only when a policy lookup is needed, that means you can use whatever tooling and techniques you currently use to manage and update them. Think about this use case when you need to maintain a list of billing codes or department IDs or customer prefixes, for example. There are a hundred or more possibilities where you can use this pattern to assign metadata to objects in Kubernetes based upon some sort of map or table like what I illustrated.

There's a known issue whereby preconditions aren't getting copied to higher-level controllers. So, for the time being, some modifications may be needed to the policy in order to work on, say, Deployments.

Secret Copier/Syncher

Kubernetes Secrets are widely used and often the source of many different types of important pieces of data ranging from credentials to certificates to younameit. Secrets are also namespaced resources, and therein often lies the problem. Extremely commonly, you need one or multiple Secrets to be available in multiple Namespaces. In addition, it's a common desire to keep those Secrets in sync so that if the upstream Secret changes (for example, if a certificate is renewed), those downstream Secrets are updated. For this, there are lots of little (and big) tools out there. And before Kyverno, you kinda needed them because it was (and is) a problem for which Kubernetes didn't have a native solution. But with Kyverno, that's just another tool you can do away with. So let's look at another common use case that Kyverno nicely solves: syncing Kubernetes Secrets.

One of the leading uses I continually see is the need to make registry pull credentials available. More recently, this was due to Docker Hub implementing rate limiting, but even when using third-party registries it is often necessary when pulling from confidential repositories. Whatever your case, image pull secrets are a common requirement in production environments. In this scenario, we'll assume that you, the cluster administrator or owner, need to make a single set of registry credentials available to all Namespaces in your cluster.

To start, we obviously need a Kubernetes Secret which stores our credentials. If you're not familiar with this process, this is a good place to start. I've got one just called "regcred" which I need to get copied to new Namespaces. Kyverno, furthering of its ability to function as a Swiss Army knife, has a unique ability to generate resources (even custom ones!). That same ability also extends to the copy functionality. So by using Kyverno, we can copy our "regcred" Secret from a source Namespace to any N number of destination Namespaces. Instead of copying, we could also generate that as a totally new resource (defined in the policy itself) instead if we chose, but let's go with copy here.

With an existing Secret in place, Kyverno will not only copy the Secret to a new Namespace (based on your policy definition) but optionally keep that Secret in sync.

Once your Secret exists, we need a policy which contains the logic to tell Kyverno how and where to copy this. Here's a sample policy below which does the job.

 2kind: ClusterPolicy
 4  name: sync-secret
 6  background: false
 7  rules:
 8  - name: sync-image-pull-secret
 9    match:
10      resources:
11        kinds:
12        - Namespace
13    generate:
14      kind: Secret
15      name: regcred
16      namespace: "{{}}"
17      synchronize: true
18      clone:
19        namespace: default
20        name: regcred

It's very straightforward: We take a Secret called regcred stored in the default Namespace and, any time a new Namespace is created, we instantly copy that Secret there. With synchronize: true, we ask Kyverno to watch over the source of the Secret and, should it change, to reflect those changes downstream. Pretty simple, but very powerful.

Create your new Namespace and check the result.

1$ kubectl create ns gant && kubectl get secret -n gant
2namespace/gant created
3NAME                  TYPE                                  DATA   AGE
4default-token-25gx9   3      0s
5regcred             1      0s

Since our Kyverno policy matches on all Namespaces, this Secret will get copied to every new one. Need to change the source Secret to store updated creds? Not a problem, just update it using whatever tools/processes you have and Kyverno will watch over and sync them up.

Sidecar Injector

In Cornelia Davis' brilliant book, Cloud Native Patterns (Manning, 2019), she describes Kubernetes sidecars simply as "a process that runs alongside your main service." No matter the higher-level purpose, whether that's API gateways or service meshes or logging agents, that is essentially all a sidecar is intended to do. There are, of course, many more practical use cases for sidecars, but whatever your application-specific use case, sidecars are commonplace.

In this use case, I want to demonstrate Kyverno's mutation ability to add a sidecar for the purposes of Hashicorp Vault integration. Now, I know I covered Secrets a bit in the above use case, but Vault is pretty common (and a great piece of tech, too), and so this is yet another opportunity where Kyverno can shine.

With sidecar injection, an incoming Pod manifest is mutated to add one or more containers to the existing list of containers based upon a Kyverno policy. Much more can be done, such as adding a volume and initContainer.

With Vault, the idea is to retrieve a Secret stored within an external Vault system for use by an application running inside a Kubernetes Pod. Rather that build the necessary logic in at the container level to do so, we want to decouple that logic so our app runs as it normally would, and a purpose-built process retrieves and makes available said Secret. The sidecar pattern is often employed for this use case, and so we can use Kyverno to inject the necessary sidecars at runtime to get the job done. The below policy is an example of how to take care of this.

 2kind: ClusterPolicy
 4  name: inject-sidecar
 6  background: false
 7  rules:
 8  - name: inject-sidecar
 9    match:
10      resources:
11        kinds:
12        - Deployment
13    mutate:
14      patchStrategicMerge:
15        spec:
16          template:
17            metadata:
18              annotations:
19                ( "true"
20            spec:
21              containers:
22              - name: vault-agent
23                image: vault:1.5.4
24                imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
25                volumeMounts:
26                - mountPath: /vault/secrets
27                  name: vault-secret
28              initContainers:
29              - name: vault-agent-init
30                image: vault:1.5.4
31                imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
32                volumeMounts:
33                - mountPath: /vault/secrets
34                  name: vault-secret
35              volumes:
36              - name: vault-secret
37                emptyDir:
38                  medium: Memory

Just like with the Pod annotater use case earlier, we're similarly performing a mutation. Only this time, we're looking for an annotation rather than setting one. Here, Kyverno is searching for an annotation called "true". If it finds a Pod with that annotation (it cannot exist as an annotation on the Deployment itself), it does three things:

  1. Creates an ephemeral volume.
  2. Creates an initContainer with the Vault agent.
  3. Creates a sidecar container and mounts the volume to both.

All that's left now is to create such a Deployment resource and see if Kyverno is mutating it.

 1apiVersion: apps/v1
 2kind: Deployment
 4  name: kyvernodeploy
 5  labels:
 6    app: kyvernodeploy
 8  replicas: 1
 9  selector:
10    matchLabels:
11      app: kyvernodeploy
12  template:
13    metadata:
14      labels:
15        app: kyvernodeploy
16      annotations:
17 "true"
18    spec:
19      containers: 
20      - name: busybox
21        image: busybox:1.28
22        imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
23        command: ["sleep", "9999"]

Create the Deployment and let's have a look.

1$ k get po
2NAME                             READY   STATUS     RESTARTS   AGE
3kyvernodeploy-66494487f6-t2lvm   2/2     Running   0          2m19s

We can see from the above that, although our definition had but a single container, we're now running two. Further describing the Pod will show the second is the vault-agent container.

This is meant for illustration purposes. In actuality, you need more info in the policy than this. For more Vault-specific information, see their blog post.

Even though I showed this use case through integration with Hashicorp Vault, you can see there's nothing Vault specific in the policy precluding you from using it where/however you need in your environment. Whatever type of sidecar you need, Kyverno can inject it for you eliminating yet another tool in your box.

Resource Padlock

RBAC in Kubernetes is a great (and highly needed) thing. But RBAC has its limitations just like other security mechanisms. Kubernetes RBAC allows you to grant specific privileges in the form of verb, resource, and API group on a cluster-wide or per-Namespace basis. But the Namespace is as deep as RBAC goes. So, for example, you cannot create a RoleBinding which says, "give developers access to delete all Secrets in their Namespace except the one called 'super-secret-secret'." With RBAC, it's an all-or-nothing proposition at a resource level--you can either do it on all of them or none of them. This is where Kyverno can step in and help you by applying sub-RBAC permissions on a per-item level.

One such example of the need for sub-RBAC permissions I've seen is the ability to block updates and deletions on specific resources based on some criteria. This is generally desired to protect "system-level" components so, as with the Secret example above, a user cannot unknowingly (or perhaps maliciously) take out a TLS pair which renders apps insecure or wholesale broken. The other positive consequence such an ability brings is the ability to simplify Roles and ClusterRoles without having to make them messy and numerous. With Kyverno, you can do things like create those resource padlocks without having to resort to another tool and process. Let's see how this is handled.

I'm operating a production Kubernetes cluster in a semi-multi-tenant way in which there are multiple Namespaces with different groups of developers entitled to each one. A number of apps run across these Namespaces with some servicing internal customers and others for external customers, but they're mixed in these Namespaces. And, since many resources in Kubernetes are namespaced, they have to exist in one and only one Namespace. I want to keep my Roles in this cluster simple but block my developers (even those with admin privileges) from accidentally deleting external-facing resources, such as an Ingress rule.

With a Kyverno policy, you can use metadata such as labels to permit/deny certain actions on resources on a one-by-one basis, thereby augmenting the default Kubernetes RBAC.

The components that collectively provide for this external customer access I have labeled with a special label called services=external. Wherever this label is applied, I want to block updates and deletes unless they come from someone with the cluster-admin role. With a policy like the below in place, I can now make that happen. All that needs to be done is assign the label services=external to an object.

 2kind: ClusterPolicy
 4  name: block-updates-deletes
 6  validationFailureAction: enforce
 7  background: false
 8  rules:
 9  - name: block-updates-deletes
10    match:
11      resources:
12        selector:
13          matchLabels:
14            services: external   
15    exclude:
16      clusterRoles:
17      - cluster-admin
18    validate:
19      message: "Modifying or deleting the external customer resource {{request.oldObject.kind}}/{{}} is not allowed. Please seek a cluster-admin."
20      deny:
21        conditions:
22          - key: "{{request.operation}}"
23            operator: In
24            value: 
25            - DELETE
26            - UPDATE

With the above policy created, let's see if Sam, an admin over the Namespace called fair, can delete an Ingress resource labeled with services=external. First, let's check and make sure, from a Kubernetes RBAC perspective, he does have the permission.

1$ kubectl -n fair auth can-i delete ing/external --as sam

So we know he has the privilege to do so. Let's now actually try to delete it.

1$ kubectl -n fair delete ing/external --as sam
2Warning: extensions/v1beta1 Ingress is deprecated in v1.14+, unavailable in v1.22+; use Ingress
3Error from server: admission webhook "validate.kyverno.svc" denied the request: 
5resource Ingress/fair/external was blocked due to the following policies
8  block-updates-deletes: Modifying or deleting the external customer resource Ingress/external is not allowed. Please seek a cluster-admin.

This is Kyverno, not Kubernetes, seeing Sam's delete request and, although he has permission at the Kubernetes level, he doesn't from Kyverno's. His request to delete is therefore blocked.

But he can still control resources that weren't padlocked, right?

1$ k -n fair delete ing/internal --as sam
2Warning: extensions/v1beta1 Ingress is deprecated in v1.14+, unavailable in v1.22+; use Ingress
3ingress.extensions "internal" deleted

And there you go. Sam ain't deleting that Ingress rule any time soon (but, sorry, internal customers).

As you can see, Kyverno can extend the RBAC capabilities of Kubernetes and apply to any resource you can label. In so doing, it gives you new found flexibility and also can eliminate yet another tool.

Namespace Provisioner

For the last use case, we come to the most complex (and most impressive) which lets us fully exploit all of Kyverno's cool abilities: Complete Namespace provisioning. Yes, you read that right. Kyverno can be the automation engine which delivers a fully-functional and provisioned Namespace based on your designs, even if they're very complex (like you'll see below). Although this is something more commonly seen in true multi-tenant environments, just about all clusters these days employ Namespaces for some type of segregation abilities. Whenever a new Namespace is created in Kubernetes, there are a number of things that follow-on which must be created for it to be useful. These are things like labels, RoleBindings, ResourceQuotas, maybe LimitRanges, etc. Maybe you have more requirements and maybe less. Whatever the case, you likely have some sort of runbook which codifies all the steps and resources that are required. There are many tools out there that can help with this, whether that be SaaS-based control planes or homegrown config management systems. Or maybe you've built this logic in your CD system. But this is yet another area where Kyverno can provide consolidation, standardization, and requires no coding to make work. And, like all things in Kyverno, everything is a Policy or ClusterPolicy, represented as a CustomResource, which means it can be stored in version control, deployed using GitOps, or any other methods you use today with standard Kubernetes resources.

Just consider a scenario like the following, illustrated in the below diagram, which represents a complex (but realistic) Namespace creation workflow in a production environment.

Even complex Namespace provisioning workflows such as this one Kyverno can handle with its unique ability to not only mutate objects but generate all new ones as well. Note that this diagram is conceptual and not a precise representation of the actual order of admission control.

There's a lot going on here, so let's break it down:

  1. A new Namespace creation request comes in with a number of different labels assigned. Each label invokes some kind of action in Kyverno, often multiple. A label of businessunit is first required, and Kyverno checks this exists and that the request came from an authorized user or service account. Although we might have many other users with permissions to create Namespaces, we don't want to trigger our provisioning workflow unless it comes from authorized users, which, in this case, is from someone holding the cluster-admin ClusterRole or from a very specific service account.
  2. Based upon the value of businessunit, Kyverno will then generate a couple new resources as shown.
  3. If the dataclassification label equals a defined value, we can manipulate the name of that Namespace and generate more items. Maybe, in this scenario, with it being classified as pci, you need a Deployment which applies some sort of introspection, monitoring, or logging application in order to meet those compliance requirements.
  4. And, finally, if this Namespace is for a DMZ location, we can label and annotate the Namespace indicating it needs to be backed up and needs monitoring. Finally, it creates a specific NetworkPolicy which allows traffic only from other Pods which are pre-approved to communicate with the DMZ.

All these steps above are not mutually exclusive, and Kyverno can end up mutating/generating a union of some or all of them.

And, to finish it all off, here is a complete set of manifests that'll allow you to implement this complete diagram in your own environment.

First, you'll need to create some additional ClusterRoles and RoleBindings to give the Kyverno service account the necessary permissions it needs to generate some new resources. This is standard practice, especially when generating RoleBindings, so Kubernetes doesn't see a privilege escalation attempt.

 2# Needed for Kyverno to generate new Deployments
 4kind: ClusterRole
 6  name: kyverno:generate-deploy
 8- apiGroups:
 9  - apps
10  resources:
11  - deployments
12  verbs:
13  - create
14  - get
15  - list
16  - patch
17  - update
18  - watch
20# Needed for Kyverno to generate new Deployments using the custom ClusterRole called 'kyverno:generate-deploy'
22kind: ClusterRoleBinding
24  name: kyverno:generatecontroller-deployments
26  apiGroup:
27  kind: ClusterRole
28  name: kyverno:generate-deploy
30- kind: ServiceAccount
31  name: kyverno
32  namespace: kyverno
34# Needed for Kyverno to generate new RoleBindings with the 'view' ClusterRole
36kind: ClusterRoleBinding
38  name: kyverno:generatecontroller-view
40  apiGroup:
41  kind: ClusterRole
42  name: view
44- kind: ServiceAccount
45  name: kyverno
46  namespace: kyverno
48# Needed for Kyverno to generate roles and bindings (needed after Kyverno v1.3.3)
50kind: ClusterRole
52  name: kyverno:generatecontroller
54- apiGroups:
55  - '*'
56  resources:
57  - namespaces
58  - networkpolicies
59  - secrets
60  - configmaps
61  - resourcequotas
62  - limitranges
63  - clusterroles
64  - rolebindings
65  - clusterrolebindings
66  verbs:
67  - create
68  - update
69  - delete
70  - list
71  - get
72- apiGroups:
73  - '*'
74  resources:
75  - namespaces
76  verbs:
77  - watch

And, finally, the complete ClusterPolicy to implement all rules as outlined in the diagram. Note the comments which explain what each rule is for.

  1# Advanced Namespace provisioning workflow.
  2# All Kyverno functionality is implemented in this policy
  3# but as separate rules.
  5kind: ClusterPolicy
  7  name: namespace-provisioning
  9  background: false
 10  validationFailureAction: enforce
 11  rules:
 12    # Validate new Namespaces allow `businessunit` set by authorized roles
 13    - name: restrict-labels-businessunit
 14      match:
 15        resources:
 16          kinds:
 17          - Namespace
 18      exclude:
 19        clusterRoles:
 20          - cluster-admin
 21        subjects:
 22        - kind: ServiceAccount
 23          name: nsprovisioner
 24          namespace: kube-provisioner
 25      validate:
 26        message: "Only role=cluster-admin and kube-provisioner:nsprovisioner can set label `businessunit`."
 27        pattern:
 28          metadata:
 29            =(labels):
 30              X(businessunit): "null"
 31      # Validate new Namespaces allow `dataclassification` set by authorized roles
 32    - name: restrict-labels-dataclassification
 33      match:
 34        resources:
 35          kinds:
 36          - Namespace
 37      exclude:
 38        clusterRoles:
 39          - cluster-admin
 40        subjects:
 41        - kind: ServiceAccount
 42          name: nsprovisioner
 43          namespace: kube-provisioner
 44      validate:
 45        message: "Only role=cluster-admin and kube-provisioner:nsprovisioner can set label `dataclassification`."
 46        pattern:
 47          metadata:
 48            =(labels):
 49              X(dataclassification): "null"
 50    # Validate new Namespaces allow `networkzone` set by authorized roles
 51    - name: restrict-labels-networkzone
 52      match:
 53        resources:
 54          kinds:
 55          - Namespace
 56      exclude:
 57        clusterRoles:
 58          - cluster-admin
 59        subjects:
 60        - kind: ServiceAccount
 61          name: nsprovisioner
 62          namespace: kube-provisioner
 63      validate:
 64        message: "Only role=cluster-admin and kube-provisioner:nsprovisioner can set label `networkzone`."
 65        pattern:
 66          metadata:
 67            =(labels):
 68              X(networkzone): "null"
 69    # generate default resourcequota when `businessunit` exists
 70    - name: generate-resourcequota
 71      match:
 72        resources:
 73          kinds:
 74          - Namespace
 75      preconditions:
 76        - key: "{{request.object.metadata.labels.businessunit}}"
 77          operator: NotEquals
 78          value: ""
 79      generate:
 80        kind: ResourceQuota
 81        name: default
 82        namespace: "{{}}"
 83        synchronize: true
 84        data:
 85          spec:
 86            hard: 
 87              cpu: "6"
 88              memory: 12Gi
 89    # generate default RoleBinding when `businessunit` equals predefined values
 90    - name: generate-rolebinding
 91      match:
 92        resources:
 93          kinds:
 94          - Namespace
 95      preconditions:
 96        - key: "{{request.object.metadata.labels.businessunit}}"
 97          operator: In
 98          value: ["ecom","supplychain","stores"]
 99      generate:
100        kind: RoleBinding
101        name: developer-viewer-binding
102        namespace: "{{}}"
103        synchronize: true
104        data:
105          roleRef:
106            apiGroup:
107            kind: ClusterRole
108            name: view
109          subjects:
110          - apiGroup:
111            kind: Group
112            name: syd-devs
113    ### dataclassification=pci workflow branch
114    # Add `-pci` suffix to namespace when `dataclassification=pci` is set
115    - name: dataclassification-pci-mutate-ns
116      match:
117        resources:
118          kinds:
119          - Namespace
120          selector:
121            matchLabels:
122              dataclassification: pci
123      mutate:
124        patchStrategicMerge:
125          metadata:
126            name: "{{}}-pci"
127    # Generate a new Deployment when `dataclassification=pci`.
128    - name: dataclassification-pci-generate-deploy
129      match:
130        resources:
131          kinds:
132          - Namespace
133      preconditions:
134        - key: "{{request.object.metadata.labels.dataclassification}}"
135          operator: Equals
136          value: pci
137      generate:
138        kind: Deployment
139        name: test-deploy
140        namespace: "{{}}"
141        synchronize: false
142        data:
143          spec:
144            replicas: 1
145            selector:
146              matchLabels:
147                app: busybox
148            template:
149              metadata:
150                labels:
151                  app: busybox
152              spec:
153                containers: 
154                - name: busybox
155                  image: busybox:1.28
156                  command: ["sleep", "9999"]
157                  resources:
158                    requests:
159                      memory: 100Mi
160                      cpu: 100m
161                    limits:
162                      memory: 200Mi
163    # generate a default NetworkPolicy when `dataclassification=pci`
164    - name: dataclassification-pci-generate-netpol
165      match:
166        resources:
167          kinds:
168          - Namespace
169      preconditions:
170        - key: "{{request.object.metadata.labels.dataclassification}}"
171          operator: Equals
172          value: pci
173      generate:
174        kind: NetworkPolicy
175        name: basic-netpol
176        namespace: "{{}}"
177        synchronize: true
178        data:
179          spec:
180            podSelector: {}
181            policyTypes: 
182            - Ingress
183            - Egress
184    ### networkzone=dmz workflow branch
185    # annotate and label Namespace when `networkzone=dmz`
186    - name: networkzone-dmz-annotate-ns
187      match:
188        resources:
189          kinds:
190          - Namespace
191          selector:
192            matchLabels:
193              networkzone: dmz
194      mutate:
195        patchStrategicMerge:
196          metadata:
197            annotations:
198     "true"
199            labels:
200              monitor: "true"
201    # generate a new NetworkPolicy when `networkzone=dmz`
202    - name: networkzone-dmz-generate-netpol
203      match:
204        resources:
205          kinds:
206          - Namespace
207      preconditions:
208        - key: "{{request.object.metadata.labels.networkzone}}"
209          operator: Equals
210          value: dmz
211      generate:
212        kind: NetworkPolicy
213        name: dmz-netpol
214        namespace: "{{}}"
215        synchronize: true
216        data:
217          spec:
218            podSelector:
219              matchLabels:
220                allowed-zone: dmz
221            policyTypes: 
222            - Ingress


Alright, that was a lot! Even though this was a long article, I really and truly hope that I was able to get across now insanely useful Kyverno can be to you and your environments through illustration of these practical use cases; how easy and quickly it can serve in that regard; and how you can use this one tool to replace any number of other, specialized tools you might have scattered across your estate. If you found this useful, I'm always glad to hear it. If you thought it wasn't, I want to know that as well! Special thanks to Gregory May for allowing me to use his concept of the Namespace provisioning workflow and one of the rules.
